mandag 23. september 2013

Plot so far

Hi følkz!

I've just began reading the novel i told about earlier, "Trash" and so far the book is just so interesting and i am struggling to put it away again. The book starts by giving a description of the huge dumpsite, where Raphael Fernandèz the main character works and lives together with Gardo. He's one of the "dumpsite boys" in the city of Behala, Raphael explains the life of a dumpsite boy and says that they go trough the new trash that arrives from the city and sorts it all out.
He also says that everybody keeps telling him that he will never find anything of value and he just answers every time that some day he will find something nice. But the reality is that they never finds anything of value, the most common thing is something called "stupp", which is just really human feces, nicely packed in a newspaper.

But this one special day Rapael finds something, he finally finds something of value, something special. He finds a small leather bag  in a shipment that looks to be coming from the good part of the city, inside of the bag he finds a map with a key in it, and wallet with eleven hundred pesos. There were also a id card, which says that the man names Jose, was employed as a houseboy, unmarried and had a little girl.  That made Raphael a little sad, the man wasn't one of the rich, but a hard working poor man. But he couldn't just run trough the city screaming for Jose, he would never find him. They also saw that there was a number on the key, "101" and that the map just was a normal map of the city. He splitted the money with Gardo and they continued working.

But the next day the police came to the dumpsite, which was very unusual, because the police never came for anything in Behala, you had to sort your own problems.

and that was the plot so far, cant wait to read more of the book.

stay tuned for more!

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