mandag 25. november 2013

US south

Exploring the South

In this post I will write about the southern region of the USA. I will write about what is typical for this region, how a typical citizen of the south is and what kind of different dialects they speak in this region. I will also bring up the southern perspective of the Civil War and how the issues about racial identity and integration have progressed over time and about racism in the southern region today.
The south was traditionally an agricultural region and much less urban than today. More and more people are moving to the south and is becoming a popular destination. The south has a very varied culture and history. The rednecks in Texas and the high percentage of afro-americans in New Orleans shows the diversity in culture and people. The dialects vary from Inland/Southern-Inland dialect, commonly recongnized as the redneck-Texan dialect, to Southern dialect which is recognized as the way an afro-american talks.
The issues about racial identity and intergration has become more and more positive as the time has passed since the Civil War. Afro-americans are more accepted than before and they can live like they're supposed to do. People are less racist than before, but there does exist some racism that is more hidden than direct racism, atleast among normal people. There are organizations like KKK that are concentrating to promote a specfic human race.
Their information page goes like this: "Our aims include fighting for White Civil Rights, educating our people concerning the problems that face our race, culture, and civilization, and uniting and organizing those of our people who are still resistant towards the ever-increasing anti-White hysteria that is plaguing the entire white world."
They're basically against any other race than white people.
During the civil war Abraham Lincoln wanted to abolish slavery which was going on in the south. The south didn't want to abolish it because they meant it would destroy their economy. But the north won and the slavery was abolished.
Exploring the South
What is typical for this region?
What kind of dialects do they speak?
•Learn more about Southern culture by exploring southern websites; what do they seem to value? How do they present themselves? How can you tell a Southerner from any other American?
•How have the issues of racial identity and integration progressed over time? What about racism today? Look at the KKK website; what do they have to say for themselves?
•Read about the Civil War. Try to find information from both a Union and from a Confederate perspective. We tend to learn our history through the eyes of the victors. What about the South?

torsdag 14. november 2013

What do I know about USA and the UK?

In this post I am going to write about some main things, i know about the UK and USA;

The UK:
Iv'e never been in the UK myself, but because of our modern world and the internet, television, newspapers, etc. i know some main things about the UK;

- Lanugage: In the UK, i know that they speak english, but with a little twist and accsents some places. For instants in the largest country in the UK, they speak British, and in for example Ireland they speak Irish, which is English with some different some words and a whole different accent. 

Currency: In the UK I think they use British pounds, shillings and some other small currencies. Even though they are members of the European Union, they dosent use the Euros as currency.

Famous peoples: In the UK there are a lot of famous peoples that I and mostly the rest of the world recognize and know who is. For instants we got politicians like the prime minister David Cameron, we also got monarchs like the sitting Queen Elizabeth II. We also have rock stars and musicians like Queen and the Beatles, and athletes like David Beckham and Bradley Wiggins. 

Contries and large cities: The UK or Great Britain contains of four countries; England which are the biggest one, Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales.

The USA:
I have never been in the USA neither, but i know a lot about the country though. Because of the internet, tv, newspapers, etc;

Language: In the USA i know that they speak English, American English. They do also have accents and twists in the country and from north to south the accents are very different.

Currency: In the USA they have dollars and cents.

Famous peoples: In the USA there are also a lot, i mean a lot of famous peoples, from the television, internet, music, etc. For example there are famous politicians like the president Obama, and Hillary Clinton. There are also many famous musicians and old legends, like Kurt Cobain, Whitney Huston, Eminem, etc.